Adventure Campus


December 22, 2021

18So here, finally, is the story of the birth of Jesus the Anointed (it is quite a remarkable story):


Mary was engaged to marry Joseph, son of David. They hadn’t married. And yet, some time well before their wedding date, Mary learned that she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit.

19Joseph, because he was kind and upstanding and honorable, wanted to spare Mary shame. He did not wish to cause her more embarrassment than necessary.

20Now when Joseph had decided to act on his instincts, a messenger of the Lord came to him in a dream.

Messenger of the Lord: Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to wed Mary and bring her into your home and family as your wife. She did not sneak off and sleep with someone else – rather, she conceived the baby she now carries through the miraculous working of the Holy Spirit.

21She will have a son, and you will name Him Jesus, which means “the Lord saves,” because this Jesus is the person who will save all of His people from sin.

24Joseph woke up from his dream and did exactly what the messenger had told him to do: he married Mary and brought her into his home as his wife.

22Years and years ago, Isaiah, a prophet of Israel, foretold the story of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus:

23A virgin will conceive and bear a Son, and His name will be Immanuel.

3 GIFTS That Will Change Your Christmas!

Gift One

The Gift You

“Joseph, because he was kind and upstanding and honorable, wanted to spare Mary shame. He did not wish to cause her more embarrassment than necessary. Now when Joseph had decided to act on his instincts…”  –MATTHEW 1:19-20

“She will have a son, and you will name Him Jesus, which means ‘the Lord saves,’ because this Jesus is the person who will save all of His people from sin.”  –MATTHEW 1:21

“This is what happened: Sin came into the world by one man, Adam. Sin brought death with it. Death spread to all men because all have sinned.”  –ROMANS 5:12 (NEW LIFE VERSION)

Joseph woke up from his dream and did exactly what the messenger had told him to do…”  –MATTHEW 1:24

Gift Two

The Gift You

“Gabriel appeared to her and said, ‘Congratulations, favored lady! The Lord is with you!Confused and disturbed, Mary tried to think what the angel could mean. ‘Don’t be frightened, Mary,’ the angel told her, ‘for God has decided to wonderfully bless you! Very soon now, you will become pregnant and have a baby boy, and you are to name himJesus.’”  –LUKE 1:28-31 (LIVING BIBLE)

Gift Three

The Gift You

Years and years ago, Isaiah, a prophet of Israel, foretold the story of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus: ‘A virgin will conceive and bear a Son, and His name will be Immanuel.’”  –MATTHEW 1:22-23

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